Fire Bricks & Refractory
MDSD Southtile ST13 Firecement
Bricksand materials that take the heat
Refractory bricks – also known as ‘thermal bricks’ or ‘firebricks’ – are rapidly growing in popularity.
Wood and coal fired burners, outside barbecues and pizza ovens all rely on refractory bricks and cement, as do traditional fireplaces and chimneys.
Southtile supplies high-performing, imported firebricks which are available in a variety of sizes: from the standard 230 x 115 x 75mm; to splits in the 40mm and 25mm range. Many other sizes are also available so please contact us for further details.
Cast Fire Bricks for typical fires including Masport, Jayline, Juno, Logaire, Woodsman, Belmac are also made on site. We specialise in Custom Cast bricks to suit your needs. You need some weird size? Just ask!
Southtile Cercast 1650
Cercast Handling & Installation
Cercast Initial Heatup
Southtile Ceramic Fibre blanket
Southtile Ceramic Fibre board
Southtile SK32 fire brick data sheet
Southtile ST13 Firecement
CMAX Ceramic Fibre Products Includes Blanket & Board. (Not all items in stock)
To order your refractory bricks or to get more information, call 0800 768 848, or come in and see our friendly and helpful teams at:
654 North Road, Invercargill - (03) 215 9179
237 Annex Rd, Upper Riccarton, Chch – (03) 338 6480
25mm Splits

230x115x25mm. Weight approx 1.45 kg
A great Fire brick for Pizza Ovens and Fisher Fireplaces.
Priced from $9.10 each.
40mm Splits

230x115x40mm. Weight approx 2.35 kg.
Suitable for most Yunca Fires. Also great again for Pizza Ovens, this is our biggest selling fire brick – many uses, a great all rounder!
Priced from $9.30 each.

230x115x75mm. Weight approx 4.2 kg.
Suitable for Pizza Ovens, Indoor & Outdoor open fires.
Priced from $10.90 each.
Side & Back Bricks – Suitable for Masport LE3000 & LE5000

220x170x25 Weight approx 2kg
Priced from $22.08
Back Brick – Suitable for Masport LE7000 Fireplace

223x250x25 Weight approx 2.8kg
Priced from $33.12
Angled Front Bricks – Suitable for Jayline Fireplaces

230×190 Small angle 25mm/Large angle 30mm
Weight approx
Priced from $25.76 each small angle & $31.63 large angle
Southtile Fire brick Commons

245 x 145 x 25 rebate or no rebate Weight approx 1.95 kg - $20.93
250x150x25 rebate or with no rebate $22.08
250x115x25mm rebate $16.91
250x65x25mm rebate $9.55
225x145x25 with rebate $19.21
Check you firebricks to see if the fire brick has a rebate on one of the top ends of the firebrick.
Fire Cement

We also supply a general purpose, medium-duty fire cement (known as ST13) to compliment our firebrick range and it is available in either 1kg, 3kg, 8kg and 20kg containers.
This product is pre-mixed and should be used sparingly with 1mm to 2mm joints. The bricks must be laid dry and heated up slowly.
20kg bucket. Priced from $127.26
8kg bucket. Priced from $75.95
4kg bucket. Priced from $50.47
1kg pottle. Priced from $22.80 (ideal size for the home handy man)
Medium Duty General Purpose Refractory Mortar. Max service temp 1300 deg.C. Less prone to cracking than other Refractory Mortars or Firecement’s.
Castables are packaged, dry mixtures of hydraulic cement (generally calcium alumi-nate cement) and specially selected and proportioned refractory aggregates, which when mixed with water, produce refractory concrete or mortar.
Southtile offers a range of castable products that are used in a number applications, including wood and coal fired burners, barbeques and pizza ovens.